The actual package name is plasma discover and I “discovered” that you can install it as a free-standing application on Debian Buster. The environment, KDE, comes with a pre-packaged software center named Discover.

I stumbled upon the “Discover” software center a few weeks ago when we did a video demonstrating how to install a full Linux desktop environment on a Chromebook. While that’s still an option, I really like the look of this piece of software so I thought I’d share. The simplest way to see if your device has Linux app support is to open up the Chrome OS settings (by clicking the clock area in the lower-right corner of the desktop and then clicking the.

Our first look at a Linux App Store for Chromebooks came in the form of the Gnome Software Center. The ChromeOS Settings window is easily accessed from the System Tray. That said, I have discovered another method in which you can add a clean, quite handy Linux App Store to your Chromebook that will allow you to find and install new applications with a single click. Click on the System Tray and then click the gear icon near the top right. Far from it but I am a tinkerer and I’m happy to try things out that many users just aren’t willing to in the hopes of demystifying things a bit. So, I’m always looking for new ways to make it easier for the average user to find, install and utilize these applications. As we’ve demonstrated in previous articles, using Linux apps on Chrome OS can offer functionalities that were previously impossible on a Chromebook. Until that day comes, I want to assist users in making the most of their Chromebooks and Linux applications bring a lot to the table.